Page not found? No problem! 404 Error

No one wants to lose sales or lead opportunities once prospective customers land on your website. If you have a broken link or error “Page not found”, visitors can reduce your website ranking and leave. Your site may also require a reshuffle of search engine optimization (SEO). When viewers see the 404 error page, this is your chance to change negatively to positive.
One of the marketing tips that is often ignored is the use of the 404 error page promotion that appears when trying to access web pages that cannot be found. Although annoying for some people, this can actually be an opportunity for online marketers to further promote their brand. By creating a “adjusted” 404 error page for your website, instead of allowing standard messages to appear, errors will be less frightening and the browser can return to your site easily before they roam.
What is the 404 error (page not found)?
Message 404 or pages that are not found appears on the web page When the page you are trying to access will not let you. This means that the page may not be temporarily accessible and that there is miscommunication between clients and servers. Sometimes this means that the host address is correct when you click the link, but the extension is not. For example, if you want to visit someone’s Facebook profile, and you miss the name of their names at the end of the URL, Facebook will tell you that you “may have clicked on the link that has expired or wrong type of address. Some web addresses are sensitive to large letters -Wecil.” It doesn’t always mean something bad has happened, but when viewers have a hard time navigating yourself from the error page, you know that changes need to be done to keep visitors.
The message 404 or page not found appears on a web page when the page you try to access will not leave you. This means that the page can be temporarily inaccessible and that there has been poor communication between the customer and the server. Sometimes this means that the host’s address was correct when you clicked on a link, but the extension was not. For example, if you wanted to visit someone’s facebook profile and have misunderstood their name at the end of the URL, Facebook will tell you that you may have clicked on an expired or deceived link. . Some web addresses are sensitive to breakage “. This does not necessarily mean that something bad has happened, but when viewers find it difficult to move away from the error page, you know that changes must be made in order to keep visitors.
Examples of custom error messages
You can customize your 404 pages. For example, your page can contain the possibility of returning your search, get home, access the blog page or download two free reports that can attempt visitors to continue browsing your site. Some websites even cotted quite creative and comedic with their 404 pages of error such as Heinz has a bottle of knocked ketchup with the title “, it appears that your page is empty” and has useful navigation links on the website.
A mistake is human
In closing, make sure your website is properly optimized the search engine and periodically check broken links and other websites anomalies. 404 Errors occur, so be creative and people will be more cautious if you can amuse them and help them find the appropriate page.